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Friday, February 19, 2010

trip to temasik: part II (around singapore & orchard road)

after fooling around at merlion park, we went to orchard road. but before that, the tourist guide, kak aishah, brought us around singapore.

this tugu shows unity i think. kak aishah said that the colourful feature is to make people who look at it feeling happy.

bas awam dua tingkat

bangunan kerajan kot ni

cubaan dulu. kang baru buat betul2. tunggu la hasilnya.

window shopping. nak shopping betul-betul tak mampu. mahal sangat.

even kereta yang lalu kat sini pun mahal-mahal. hanya mampu melihat=p

ewah-ewah...seronok je kau eh. mak kau yang kena sorongkan.

syatbi bergambar depan air pancut

syatbi & louis vuitton

then we saw a place with a lot of unique shaped lamps. ideas coming on how to shoot our photos. many poses can be done.

syatbi & chocolate factory

and this. i'm an apprentice of almunia. hoho~

and this. muhaimin kemaruk aiskrim

and this. nuar menanduk 'bola'

this is the place. kitorang lepak-lepak je kat situ. saje nak cuba terapkan budaya melepak dalam masyarakat singapore. muahahaha~


3 different moods. thanks my models ;)

i know i'd done something weird. that boy must be wondering what i had done. and his mother just laughing. hehe;)

sorang, jalan. dua orang, jalan-jalan. tiga orang, jalang =p

orchard road tour coming to the end

so long~

cool la pakcik~

familiar with this photo? we were trying to shoot a photo like the beatle's abbey road. well...this is 'the orchard road'. =p

next stop will be the china town and arab street. so i have to kira-kira my money first. ;)

p/s: part II will be posted soon. =)

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